The estimation of the quantities of various items of a building such as earth work in excavation, concrete in foundation , bricks work in foundation and plinth, brick work in super - structure, etc may be made by the following methods :
1 . Centre line method
2 . Long and short wall method

  1. Centre line method: 
In this method , the centre line length of walls in a building is multiplied by the breadth and depth of the respective item to get the total quantity of the item in case of partition or veranded walls joining with the main walls , the centre line is reduced by half of the breadth of the layer of the main wall at the same laver.                                                            Suitability: this method is especially suited for estimating the circular , hexagonal , octagonal, etc. Shaped buildings 

  2. Long and short wall method. 

In this method , the longer walles are generally treated as long walls and the shorter or partition walls as short Wallas . The long walls are measured out to out i.e. center to center  length and half projection on one side and half projection on the other side . The short walls are measured in to in i.e. center to center length minus half projection one side and half projection on the other side .
Suitability : this method is mostly used irrespective of veriable sections of walls 


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